
hey!!!! hows its going????

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

seorang lelaki   mahukan seorang isteri yang pandai memasak, pandai menjahit dan cantik tapi bagi seorang wanita, mereka hanya mahukn seorang suami yang bertanggungjwab dan setia.... 

Saturday, December 8, 2012


tudung labuhku...

setulus bicara
Meluahkan rasa
Sehelai tudung labuh
Seindah hijab menjadi plilihanku

Suatu ketika dahulu
Diri hanya  insan biasa
Gadis yang hanya berpesonaliti biasa
Namun Hidayah-Nya

Hadir tanda kasihNya
Tudung labuh menyentuh fitrah
Membuatkan aku jatuh cinta
Pada hijab yang sempurna..

Tudung labuh sangat bermakna
Menjadi penghormatan pada diriku sebagai seorang wanita
Aku berubah bukan kerana ingin mendapat gelaran ustazah
Namun tanda cinta pada Illahi yang memberi perintah

Untuk kaum hawa menjaga aurat dengan sebaiknya
kerana itulah yang terindah dan berharga

Kadang kala
Aku kecewa
Pada sikap segelintir manusia
Hanya pandai menyindir tanpa usul periksa

Sangat susah untuk mendidik hati supaya lebih sabar dan redha
Namun ku kuatkan semangat untuk tidak berputus asa
Istiqamah dalam menjaga aurat demi keranaNya

Ya Allah.... Ya Tuhanku
Janganlah kau bolak-balikkan hatiku
Setelah Engkau memberiku Hidayah-Mu
Tetapkanlah hati ini dalam meneruskan perjuangan rasul-Mu
Dan Engkau kuatkan diri dalam mujadah nafsu
Moga Engkau redha atas segala laku....

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Untuk Mu..

sudah takdir begitu (samudera)

hidup ibarat didalam sangkar
mata terlepas batinku tersiksa
rindu membara dan kian membakar
dipinggir hati yang sengsara
masihkah dapat aku hiaskan
cintamu itu ditaman hatiku
kepada Tuhan kuterus berdoa
agar kembali ketenangan
walaupun kusedari hebatnya dugaan
namun hatiku menaruh harapan
seringkali ku terasa inginnya kuulangi
saat yang indah bersama dirimu 
kasih yang bersarang dihati
wangi bagai harum kasturi
seandainya takdir mengizinkan relanya
aku menyambung semula
ikatan yang telah putus dulu
bukan niat kita untuk berpisah
tetapi keadaan yang memaksa
lalu kitapun masih terus saling merindu
kerana sudah takdirNya begitu
hidup ibarat didalam sangkar
mata terlepas batinku tersiksa
rindu membara dan kian membakar
dipinggir hati yang sengsara

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

si Hawa sering menjd mangsa?
di fitnah di hina di cerca
di rgol di rgut di seksa di dera 
seakan tiada batas hentinya

dimana silap dimana salahnya
adkah si Hawa menjd punca?
terllu mudah mengtakan ya
pada pjuk rayu sang buaya

memang tabiat sang buaya 
licik dan bijak mencari mangsa 
janji di hambur tiada batsnya
akhirnya si Hawa terkulai tak bernyawa

si Hawa di cipta indah mempesona
lenggang lenggok mengetar jiwa 
si Hawa di jdkan sebagai senjata
melumpuhkan mangsa lemah imannya

memang begitu lumrahnya dunia
tak kira Adam tak kira Hawa
ingin masyhur seantero dunia 
walau agama jadi korban

arak di tuang aurat di buka
zina jadi amalan tiada salah
dadah di ambil amlan biasa
melepak merempit jadi kebanggaannya

bila  mahkota di musnah buaya
menangis si Hawa meronta- ronta
sesali nasib yang menimpa
namun sesalan tiada gunanya

wahai makhluk bergelar Hawa
pagari dirimu dengan iman di dada
usah terpedaya kemiskinan dunia 
agar hidupmu bahagia selamanya...... ;-)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

public vs private university

Nowadays, students do not know how to choose the best university among them.. this is because there have many university in malaysia including private and public university.. there are several benefits we can get between public and private university..

Benefits of attending a public university.. 
  • Tuition is much cheaper than that of a private university. For a year of classes, public tuition is approximately $3,500 for a full load of classes. Semester and quarter systems do not differ in the total price of tuition.
  • Students who do not get achieve high enough grades to gain admittance into a private university (which can be extremely exclusive) will have a much easier time attending a public university. But while a public university may be easier to get into, the curriculum may be just as difficult—or more difficult—than a private university's.
  • Public universities are much larger and more diverse than the average private university, and students may feel more comfortable around a larger student population that it offers.
  • Students have more of a choice as to which area of the country to attend school at when they select a public university. Since the chances of being accepted at such a public school are greater, the student can select a university in any climate, geographical region, or city they desire.
  • Public universities are not as prestigious as private universities, and some careers might be more difficult to enter after graduation.
  • The larger size of public universities may distance the student from the educational atmosphere, making them feel more anonymous among the student population.
Benefits of attending a private university...
  • Like privatized junior high and high schools, private universities generally have smaller class sizes, and more prestige than does a public university.
  • Students generally build stronger, more personal relationships with their professors and instructors, as there are special programs designed to increase communication and dialogue between the two. It is not uncommon for a university to arrange for professors to dine, correspond, and interact with students on a personal, friendly level.
  • Private universities also have a significantly higher amount of extra-curricular activities and programs for students to participate in, which can develop a stronger sense of community.
  • Perhaps the greatest drawback of attending a private university is the difficulty in being accepted for admission. Harvard University—one of the country's most prestigious schools—only admits 1,650 students a year, only a very small portion of all those who apply. The admission process is therefore intensely competitive.
  • Price can be prohibitive for lower-income students, although many universities offer financial aid packages to those students who excel academically in spite of their financial backgrounds.

As a conclusion, the most important factor of a successful education is how well-suited the school is to the individual student's needs and career interests. Students should consider rate their ideal university's unique programs and course offerings before deciding on which school to attend.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Broken English

    Have you heard about ‘broken English’? In my understanding, broken English is referring to English language that is being use in incorrect ways by people who not use to speak in English. Broken English usage may involve grammatical errors, sentences structure errors and so on. But in actual definition Broken English is a term used by native English speakers to describe the grammatically incorrect English of some non-native speakers. It is sometimes called fractured English. Image below is an example for broken English usage:-P

Friday, April 8, 2011


What is the one emotion that has everyone mystified? What is the one emotion that has started as many wars as it has ended? What emotion has had more plays, songs, and stories written about it than anything else? Love, that one emotion that makes enemies into friends and friends into enemies. This emotion, bring tears to our eyes when something happens to our family members, friends, and pets. When we feel love ripped from us, as in death or being spurned by another, we do things we wouldn't normally do, such as go on violent rampages, or mourn to the extent that our loved ones have to watch us constantly to make sure we don't try anything like suicide. Some can move on, always remembering the lost loved one after a while, but others cannot let go. These are the ones that need our love and support the most. The question now is, do you believe in love??